Hola readers, you know how I love rats, nitro type and other things. But today I will be telling you guys some new things about me you didn't know. Anyways readers remember to sit back and enjoy!
1. I love Uno so much i'm like a master at it. I don't think my friends actually know this.
2. I'm actually a really good ice skater. I used to do lessons there. Did you know I can do a twirl on the ice!
3. I really love to go on a bike ride with my family at Sumner beach
4. I used to love doing the ukulele a lot! I actually used to know a lot of song's on the ukulele.
5. Some nights I would go to a cafe with my mum, dad, dog and of course me.
6. I love to read graphic novels me and my friends at silent reading we would swap books.
7. Me and my friends love to draw. We also did a drawing competition together.
That's all I think that you didn't know about me. Feel free to comment on my blog post and I will reply back. Bye readers!