
Tuesday 19 October 2021

White Island Eruption!


What do I think I know about this disaster?

All I know about it was in the early afternoon sending a plume of ash! 

What do I think I will find about this?

More intresting facts about it and also on how it happened!

                                                Task 2 read & research -

1. What is the name of the cruise ship that guests to visit Whakaari/White island?
The cruise ship was called " Ovation of the seas "
2. Why does Whakaari/White Island have two names?
Captian Cook named it White island, while the local iwi called her Te Puia o Whakaari, their angry ancestor, so the official name is Whakaari/White island.
3. What time on December 9th did the volcano erupt?
It happened at 2 :11 PM
4. How many people lost their lives in the erupt?
22 people died from the eruption
5. Why was a rahui placed on the island?
A rahui was placed on the island and sea, as it was considered to be a grave.
6. What is an example of heroism from this passage?
Pilots flew three helicopters to the still-erupting island. They were able to airlift critically injured survivors direclty to Whakatane Hospital. 

Last thing once again is venngage! Here it is!!

This is my last one about all these disasters! I hope you liked and learnt new things about it! Have a great day! See ya!!

Thursday 30 September 2021

The Christchurch Earthquake


What do I think I know about this disaster?

All I know is that it happend in 2011! But i'm sure I'll find more stuff about it!

What do I think I will find out about this disaster?

I think I will find some intresting things that happended in the disaster!

                                                  Task 2 - Read and Research                                             

1. Why do you think there was no loss of life in the September earthquake?
People got into a safe place before the earthquake
2. How mant people were injured in the February Earthquake 
at least 46 people were reported injured. 
3. Explain liquefaction in your own words
Something that is procressing a thing, espisically a gas or liqud
4. How many people died when the CTV building collapsed
 115 people died when the CTV building collapsed.
5. List three words that are synoyms of the word 'huge'
Colossal, Enormous, Monstrous

The video is blocked sadly sorry! :(

This video is also blocked sorry!

                         The last thing we had to do again is a venngage! :)
Hope you all liked my new post!  I learnt a lot of new things! I hope you all know a lot about it now. Have a great day! :D

Thursday 23 September 2021

Equipment for Science


What is a beaker used for? A beaker is a glass cylindrical container. It is used for in the chemistry lab for mixing, heating, and stirring liquids. 

Test tube tongs,

It is Beaker tongs are used for carrying beakers, evaporating dishes or flasks. Test tube holders are used for lifting, carrying or heating test tubes

Test tube rack 

Lighting a Bunsen Burner

  1.  Get heating equipment.
  2. Wear your safety goggles.                          Lighting a Bunsen Burner
  3. Put heat mat on the bench.
  4. Connect the hose to the gas tap.
  5. Turn the collar to close the air hole.
  6. Light the match or the lighter.
  7. Turn on the gas. 
  8. Turn the collar to open to the air hole.

Hands on Fire Science Experiment


I want to safely light my hands on fire. 


  • Detergent
  • Lighter 
  • Safety Glasses
  • Gas
  • Tray
  • Hose     

         1. Collect your equipment 
         2. Put some water into the tray.
         3. Squirt some detergent into the tray.
         4. Put on safety glasses.
         5. Tie up long hair.
         6. Take off any jewellery 
         7.  Wet you hands, wrist and arms. 
         8. Bubble the gas into the water.
         9. Scoop the bubbles but not the water.
       10. Hold the bubbles in front of your face with your arms locked.

11. Light the bubbles on fire with the lighter.
12. To rid of the fire, go into the iron-man pose.


Gummy Bear Osmosis!


I want to find out what happens to Gummy bears when we put them into different liquids.


I think that the gummy bears will grow 2x bigger in the liquids.



  •   Three solutions - water, sugar and salt 
  •   Four Gummy bears of the same colour
  •   Two Petri Dishes
  •   Marker pen
  •   Electronic Balance  
  •   Measuring cylinder  
  •   Beaker


  1.  Get your equipment
  2. Label Petri dishes with dry, water, salt water, sugar water 
  3. Weigh the gummy bears and record their weight on the petri dish.
  4.  Add 40ml of solution into the petri dish. 



Ginger Beer!

Aim: I want know how to make ginger beer.


How to make the ginger beer

Video on how to make ginger make:



  • A cup
  • yeast
  • sugar
  • Tea spoon
  • A popsicle stick to stir
  • Luke water 
  • Ginger
  • Lemon Juice
The taste had a strong taste and had a bitter taste on my tonuge.  


Making Sherbert!

 Aim: I want to find out how to make sherbert! 


Video on how to make it!



  • Cup
  • Baking powder
  • Citric Acid
  • Sugar ( Raro )
  • Popsicle stick
  • Teaspoon
  1. Get your equipment
  2.  Add a teaspoon of Raro into the cup.
  3. Add half a teaspoon of baking powder
  4. Add half a teaspoon of citirc acid into the cup.
  5. Mix the powder with the popsicle stick.
  6. Taste the powder and adjust the flavor as necessary.
The powder was foamy and sour. The sourness had a bitter taste. Carborn dixoide was made to make it foamy.

What was the chemical reaction? 
Citirc acid + Sodium bicarbonate = carbon dioxide

The Pike River Mine Explosion.


What do I think I know about this disaster?

I think there was a explosion ripped through the remote Pike River Mine. Thats all I know so far!

What do I think I will know about this disaster? 

I think i'll just find some intresing facts! 

                                                                   Task 2 - Read and research                                                      

1. Where is the pike River mine?
Pike river is near a place called Moonlight Tops hut. But pike river mine is loacted in the Paparoa Range on the West coast of the South island. 
2. When did mining at the Pike River mine begin?
At 3:44 PM on November 19th 2010.
3. How many men were inside the mine when the explosion occurred?
31 miners were deep underground when there was a massive methane explosion.
4. How many men escaped?
Only two named Daniel Rockhouse and Russell Smith survived, stumbling up from two kilometres underground.
5. Why were robots sent into the mine?
So for the robots to look for more survivors but they couldn't get far.
6. What decision did Jacinda Ardern make and announce in 2019?
Jacinda Ardern ( Prime Minister ) promised to unseal and re-enter the mine, and send in a team to see what they could find.

I couldn't find any intresting facts sorry but I you like you can always find out about the pike river mine in these two videos!

Last but not least we always have to do a venngage or canva/picto chart! But I did venngage because i'm more used to using it! Once again we had to do facts on venngage and how it happened (etc) or you could create a timeline!
Anyways here is mine! :)

Wednesday 22 September 2021

What is a Base?

 Acid had Hydrogen in it.

The strength of acid is measured on the pH scale. 

It goes from 0 to 14. 

0-1 is Red 

2-3 is Orange

4-6 Yellow

7 Green

8-10 Blue

11-12 Indigo 

13-14 Violet

A base is the opposite chemical to an acid.

A base contains hydroxide (OH)

An acid and a base NEUTRALISE each other and make water. 


Thursday 16 September 2021

The Erebus Plane Crash.


What do I think I know about this disaster? 

All I know is that it occurred on November 28th 1979! And apprently there were no surviors!  

What do I think I will find about this disaster?

I wanna know how it happened because I don't actually know! 

Task 2- Read and rescearch

1. Where was the Flight 901 heading, and where was it planning to land?
Air New Zealand Flight 901 left auckland for a trip to Antractica. They were to fly over several islands, see McMurdo Staion and Scott base, and land in Christchurch after covering over 8,600 kilometres and flying for 11 hours.
2. What were the names of the pilot and co-pilot of flight 901?
Caption Jim Collins and co-pilot First officer Greg Cassin.
3. Why did the pilot ask to descend to 450 metres?
At 12:45 PM, the caption gained permission to descend to 450 metres, so his passengers could have a better view of the surroundings.
4. What reasons are given in the passage for why the crash occurred?
After an hour of radio silence, search planes were sent out but the wreckage wasn't spotted until after midnight. 
5. What time did the crash occurr?  
It happened at 12:49 PM.

- Air New Zealand flight 901 crashed into mount erebus on ross island Antartica on November 28th 1979
- A mcdonnell douglas dc-10 carrying 257 passengers and crew dissapeared whilst on a sightseeing trip to the southern icy continent
- The aftermath of the crash was steeped in controversy and suspected corruption 
- The event on occasion is still talked about to this day 
- The continent of antartica is a vast icy dessert 
- Air New Zealand themselfs had said that the minimum altutide here was six thousand feet  
- The white of the ground and the white of the sky can blend causing spatial disorientation to pilots

This video is blocked for me so I couldn't find any notes from this sorry!

Last thing we had to do again was a venngage of the disaster! 
Here is mine! :) 

Hope you all enjoyed my post! Is there anything you know about this disaster that I didn't say? Other than that have a nice day! :)

Red Cabbage Indicator!

 Aim: I want to find out how to tell if something is an acid.



  • Beaker
  • Red cabbage
  • Boiling water
  • Test tubes
  • Acid + Hydroxide
  • Dropper

  1. Gather your equipment
  2. Get the red cabbage and shred them apart
  3. Put the shreded cabbage in the beaker
  4. Put the boilling water in the shreded cabbage.
  5. On one side of the test tube pour 2cm of hydroxide and the pour the other side of the test tube with Hydrochloric acid.
  6. Then use the dropper to suck up the cabbage water
  7. Then drop the tinted water into any tube 
  8. Then try sucking up the acids into different tubes and see what colours you can make!
  9. Some of the colours should be: yellow, dark green, ( or just any green ) purple, blue, pink, or mulitcolour! 
With using the dropper and putting different acids into each other they turned all cool colours :)

Photo! (not mine): 

Wednesday 1 September 2021

The Wahine.


What do I think I know about this disaster?

All I know for know is that the interisland ferry wahine struck the Barrett Reef in Welligton Harbour and overturned! How scary would that be!

What do I think I will find out about this disaster? 

I think I will find out good infomation like about on how the boat sank because I don't actually know on how the whole thing worked! 

                                                              Task 2 - Read and Reasearch

                                                                                                                                                                               1. What weather condtions casued the Wahine disaster?
The boat was casued by a fierce storm stirred by Tropical Cyclone Giselle.
2. Where was the Wahine travelling?
The Wahine began transporting for day and overnight trips between New Zealand's inter-island route between the ports of Welligton and Lyttelon in 1966.
3. How many lifeboats were able to reach land?
At 1:30 PM the abandon ship order was given but only four lifeboats could be launched, one of the lifeboats was immediatley sinking. So only three lifeboats reached!
4. What were passengers forced to do once the lifeboats were full?
When the three lifeboats reached to land the rest of the passngers were forced to jump into the sea and swim to shore. 
5. Why were rescuers unable to get to the shore?   
The rescue teams couldn't get through slips that blocked the roads so some people died on the shore. 
6. How many people died in the Wahine Disaster?
 A total of 51 people did die on board. 


-566 passngers and 110 crew were safe
- Fourty six bodies have been found and only six were missing
-  Searching for missing bodies is to continue for the next two days at least, and mountian clubs have been asked to help tomorrow and on Saturday and possibly Sunday to!
- The ship was carrying 68 cars and 25 tons of general cargo and had 144 mail aboard 
- Skin divers went out to the wreck today to have a good look at the ship and they have found that there's no sign of surviors aboard the Wahine
- 106 people were orignally sent to hospital but many have been discharged, one small boy is in a serious condition.

This video is actually blocked for me so I can't find any notes for this video sorry! 

The last thing we do is a venngage about the what happened and some facts about it or you could do a timeline about it!

Here is mine! :)


Hope you all liked my post! What's something you found intresing about the Wahine disaster! I hope you all have a good day!! :)

Thursday 19 August 2021


 Kia ora viewers!

Hopefully you all are doing fine in lockdown! For this week for another taskboards our group topic is about the sun! Once again for our new taskboards we had to look at websites and do the new activites! 

My first activite we had to do was wrtie 2-3 key ideas from the acticle. Here is mine!

The next one we had to do was write some words from the acticle and then do there definition! Here is mine! :D
Some things I learnt from the websites were that the sun is 93 million away from the earth! Did you know that the sun is bigger than earth! Also The sun is the closest star to our planet, which is why we see the sun so big and bright.

I really enjoyed this weeks topic! Is there any sun facts you know? If you do please let me know! Hope you have a amazing day! Bye! :D


Tuesday 17 August 2021

The Tangiwai Rail Disaster!


What do I think I know about this disaster?

I know that it happened cause of the tragic volcanic lahar from the Mt Ruapehu crater lake. I also know that it happened in Dec 23th 1953.

What do I think I will find out about this disaster? 

I don't know yet but I think I will found out some good infomation!

Task 2 - Read and Research 

 How many people were on board on the train?
1. There were 285 people on the train! ( and 151 people died!)
 Where did the lahar begin?
2. The lahar began at Mt Ruapehu crater lake.
When did the Tangwai Railway Disaster take place?
3.  Dec 24th, 1953.
How did the train driver know to put on his emergency brakes?
4.  He saw a man waving with a torch warning him to stop.
Why did the Queen give out medals?
5.  She gave medals to 4 people showing their bravery.
What was the installed after the Tangiwai Railway Disaster?
6.  They installed an early waring system on the Whangaehu.


Our class didn't take any notes this week so I will just put the videos on so you guys can watch! :)

Video 1:

Video: 2 

Video 3: 

Thanks for checking my new post! Do you know anything else intresting about the Tangiwai
Railway Disaster that I didn't say in my post! If you do please let me know! Hope you all have a good day! Bye :D

Friday 13 August 2021


 Kia ora viewers

This week we have done another taskboard! Are new topic is about rugby in NZ.  We also had a new article called mossie! And for our new activeites we had to get 25 key words from the article called mossie and another word cloud art! We also had websites to find infomation from! ( I don't really know that much about Rugby! )

Here are my two activites! 

Key Vocabulary:

Word art:

The last thing we had to do was do a screencastify about 3 things I learnt or 3 things I've enjoyed! 
Here is my screencastify :D

Hope you all liked my new post for my taskborads for week 3! Do you know anything else about Rugby that I don't know? If you do please tell me! Have a good day :D Bye!!

Thursday 12 August 2021

The Napier Earthquake


What do I think I know about this disaster?
at least 256 people died in the magnitude 7.8. The earthquake was on 1931. New Zealand's deadliest earthquake devastated the cities of Napier and Hastings, Hawke Bay.

What do I think I will find out about this disaster  
I think I will find out something interesting and new!`    

1. at 10:47 on Feb 3rd, 1931 
2. The official death toll was 256. 161 in Napier, 93 in Hastings and 2 in Wairoa
  3. In the botanical gardens and the racecourse in Napier 
4. They were able to rebuild the houses in art Deco style, making it a tourist attraction
5. 2 and a half minutes.
6. Children were sent around NZ because there were no schools for them to go to and no houses for them to live in. Also, it wasn't safe with all the aftershocks.
- The veronica bell rings for 2 and a half minutes, the length of the quake
- The HMS Veronica helped the people in the city
- House chimneys fell down, people had to live in tents.
- Cracks in the road and the railroad twisted. - after the quake  
- 256 people were killed! 
- There was a quake followed on with the fire 
- cruises from Auckland had doctors on board to help 
- 6% were taken out of the city
- The water supplies were damaged
- The railway to Wellington were going two days after
- The navy helped clean up after - demolished buildings, supplied food and 
- The nurse home collapsed and many night nurses were killed    
- 1% of population died!

Tuesday 10 August 2021

The Ballantynes Fire.


What do I think I know about this disaster?

I know it happened on 18th November, 1947. I have been to ballantynes before so I defentinly know it happened in Chrischuch.

What do I think I will find out about this disaster?

I think I will find out facts about like if people died because I don't really know what happened that much I only know when it happened so I think i'll find really good facts!
Task 2  - Read & Resrearch 

1. People were severed by waitresses in aprons and caps, expensive clothes were sold and ladies wore hats and gloves. It was a designer store. 

2. Christchurch 

3. November 18th, 1947 at 3.46pm.

4. They had no smoke alarms or evacution plans. The downstairs workers thought it was just a small cellar fire so didn't tell the people upstairs.

5. 41 workers died in the fire Two people jumped from the verandah and were unconcious but recoverd

6. Fire drills and fire alarms.

Notes -
- 46 persons missing in additon to those dead
- worst fire in NZ history 
- Army and airforce helped the fireman, navy helped with the control of the crowd
- they pumped water for 24 hours from 36 hoses
- They had 25 mins before the first flames were scene.
- This resorce wasnt useful because it was to long and the audio wasnt clear and hard to hear.

Friday 6 August 2021

Olympic Task board

 Kia ora viewers,

This week our hurumanu have been doing a new week of our taskboards! The topic for this week is sport! I'm in group kowhai and our group is doing a article called born to run. The article is about a man named Arthur Lydiard and he is a professinal runner. What we had to do was do a form first about the topic and the ideas for next week. 

There is also a video on there as well as a website about it. We also had to make a drawing of some key ideas/words about in the article!

Here is mine!
The last thing we had to do was make another google drawing and create a olympic sport. And say what gear to use and the rules. Here is mine :) (This is volleyball by the way!)
Hope you all like my post! Do you know anything else about this sport? Have a amazing day! Bye :D 

Thursday 5 August 2021

Olympic Sports!

Kia ora viewers,

This week our Wananga have been doing a google drawing about Olympic sports! My Wananga teacher sent us website about every sport that we could put on a google drawing and write facts about that sport! The sport I choose was badminton! I actually play badminton and it's really fun! If you ever wanna use the website my teacher sent us i'll put a link on right here: Olympic sports! 

Here is my google drawing about badminton! :D

Thank you all for checking my post! Do you know anything else about badminton? Hope you have a good day! Bye :)

Wednesday 4 August 2021

Eating Hot Chilli's!


I want to find out if milk will help reduce the burn of the hot sauce.

Research of video's: 

  1. hot sauce 
  2. toothpick
  3. Stopwatch 
  4. Water, Coke, milk

  1. Get all of your equipment 
  2. Dip the toothpick in the hot sauce
  3. Suck the hot sauce off the toothpick
  4. Start timing 
  5. Stop timing when it stops burning.
Straight chilliwatercokemilk
time taken to stop the buring45secs17secs11secs4secs


I can conclude that milk was the best at stopping the hot feeling. The waterwas the least effective ( in my opinoin)


Why does does chilli burn your mouth and why does milk stop it? 
- Because of the capsaicin tricking your brain that your on fire
- Because of the oli and the fat.=

Tuesday 3 August 2021

Reading Task boards

KIA Ora readers,

In term 3 our hurumanu have been in different reading groups. I'm in the group kowhai! The slide is about a biker named Anton Cooper. we also have to make a word art about him! Did you know that 2021 is his 5th year racing for the Trek Factory racing! He also ranked 22nd in the world at the same place last full year in 2019 

By the way if you don't know what word art is it is a online word cloud art creator that enables you to create cool and amazing word cloud art with ease! If you wanna try it out here is the link!                                                                           

Anyways here is mine! ( The word art is about Anton!)

Our group also had to do a screencastify about places in goggle maps I did raipaki track!
Here it is! (its only a short video)

Thank you for looking at my new post! Do you know anything else about Anton Cooper that I don't know yet! Hope you all have a amazing day! Bye :D


Sunday 1 August 2021

Goal Setting :)

                                                             Goal setting!

Kia ora viewers, 

Welcome back to my blog! This past weeks our wananga class have been doing another goal setting for term 3! There's nothing really new to goal setting because I think we do it every term. There's also a part at the bottom of it which we have to do at the end of term! 

Here is my goal setting for term 3! 

Name: Lydia

Class: TZ

Term: 3

Year: 7

Greatest achievement from last term: 

I got better at P.E!

Subjects taken this term: WdT, SmT, Sci



Ngā Tāngata




Te Ao Whānui

Technology: WdT/ SmT

Language: nothing

Other: Sci

Academic Goals 

Short term (this term):


math :)



Non-academic goal (can be out of school):


What are my learning strengths

(Refer to Year 8 Graduate Profile)

What are my learning work ons

(Refer to Year 8 Graduate Profile)

listening to others


maths ;--;

How will I achieve this?

get better at maths ;---------;

End of term reflection

I hope you all like my goal setting for term 3! Have a nice day! :D